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Gold Membership Package: 25-30 Months (2.1-2.6 Years)

Language: English

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Package Contents

Gold Membership - Onboarding : Version 3.0
Raghunath Kypu Murthy
5 Day Bootcamp-Recordings: Version 3.0
Mr. & Mrs. Rajeshwari Raghunath
20/20 Parenting4u Methodology Blueprint: Version 3.0
Mr. & Mrs. Rajeshwari Raghunath
Common Challenges 25-30 Months (2.1-2.6 Years): Version 3.0
Mr. & Mrs. Rajeshwari Raghunath
Know Your Child's Developmental Milestones: 2.1-2.6 Years : Version 3.0
Mr. & Mrs. Rajeshwari Raghunath
Emotional & Social Intelligence Blueprint - Part 2 : Version 3.0
Mr. & Mrs. Rajeshwari Raghunath
Multiple Intelligence - Part 2: Version 3.0
Mr. & Mrs. Rajeshwari Raghunath
Rhythm of 20/20 parenting4u Framework: Version 3.0
Mrs. Shubha Joshi & Mr Raghunath
Food & Nutrition - Part 2: Version 3.0
Mr. & Mrs. Rajeshwari Raghunath
Home Schooling & Phonics Blueprint: Version 3.0
Dr. Lalitha Appachu
Parentathon: Version 3.0
Mr. & Mrs. Rajeshwari Raghunath
Live Classes (WMSC Sessions): Version 3.0
Mr. & Mrs. Rajeshwari Raghunath

How to Use

After successful purchase, this item would be added to your courses.You can access your courses in the following ways :

  • From the computer, you can access your courses after successful login
  • For other devices, you can access your library using this web app through browser of your device.



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